Guatemala Institute of Social Security
On October 30, 1946, the “Guatemala Institute of Social Security” was created in Guatemala, as an autonomous institution of public law with its own legal status and full capacity to acquire rights and contract obligations, whose purpose is to apply for the benefit of the People of Guatemala, a National, Unitary and Compulsory System of Social Security.
Its vision is to be the modern institution of Social Security, characterized by its permanent growth and development, that covers the population.
Its mission is to protect the insured population against the loss or deterioration of health and economic sustenance by properly and transparently managing the resources.
The Institute has Medical-Administrative Units in all regions of the country, in which lives, medical equipment and vehicles are protected, which require security and permanent vigilance, through a private company with extensive experience, legally established.
In order to select the security company, the Institute, in accordance with the Law on Contracting of the State of Guatemala, initiates a bidding process, in December 2013, consisting of the contracting of 250 Security Guards, which would be distributed throughout The Republic of Guatemala.
For previous years, the Institute had contracted local companies for its security services. However, these were limited to meeting the minimum requirements necessary to maintain the contract and collect their fees. This was never enough for the Institute, because of the value of the resources there, the magnitude of its operations and because of the delicate nature of the operations, they expected to receive much more in benefits and added values from their security provider.
Aware of the bidding process, initiated by the Institute, Servicio De Seguridad Integral, SA, member of ProTechTeam, gathers all the documentation required in the event, emphasizing the experience and capacity it possesses, by virtue of having Installed similar projects of the State, such as the Instituto Nacional De Ciencias Forenses and the Confederacion Deportiva Autonoma De Guatemala, both at the level of the whole republic.
In January 2014, Servicio De Seguridad Integral, SA, a member of ProTechTeam, based on compliance with the general specifications, techniques, special provisions, bidding rules and scores obtained in the qualification criteria (Documentary experience, price and fulfillment of all requirements), is unanimously awarded by the Bidding Board, for a period of 24 months.
This is how one of the biggest challenges, Recruitment, Training, Evaluation, Selection and Installation of 250 Security Guards throughout the Republic of Guatemala, committed to the institution, in providing a service of the highest quality, Meet their needs.
The respective manuals of functions and procedures were prepared, as well as all the necessary equipment to start the service.
A complete study of all safety installations, procedures, systems and infrastructure, perimeter, access, surveillance, information, procedures and industrial safety was carried out.
Currently, the Security Personnel of Servicio De Seguridad Integral, SA, a member of ProTechTeam, contributes to the institution, in an efficient way, in the prevention of losses and risk reduction; Are adequately trained, on a regular basis, to maintain excellent performance, thus achieving the best level of satisfaction of the Institute, and a lasting alliance between both entities.
That is why, in April 2016, the Guatemala Institute of Social Security, signs a new contract, for the continuity of the Security and Security Service for another 24 months, by 300 Security Guards, one of the most representative achievements Of Servicio De Seguridad Integral, SA, member of ProTechTeam.