DHL, FEDEX (Federal Express) and UPS (United Parcel Service) are classified as the three most powerful companies in the world of couriers, packaging and transportation of merchandize from one place to another, with door to door service. DHL was an attractive client for any security provider.
Regularly, companies like DHL, look to affiliate themselves with other international companies of equal level and prestige that demonstrated their professionalism, capacity and experience, when faced with big challenges. This is precisely the case between DHL Guatemala and ProTechTeam. These companies joined forces in 2002, searching for better service options and security products, assessments for the prevention of losses and risk management, as well as, safety assessment (industrial security). In reality this was just a test for both parts and more so for DHL. The service would be provided to DHL and the expectation was high.

During the prior years, DHL had been working with several local companies to provide security for them. These firms would offer many things but in the end they would contract to comply with a minimum of necessary requirements, just enough to maintain the contract and collect the fee. This was never sufficient for DHL, obviously due to the size and the delicacy of their operations they expected more benefits and value added on the part of the security provider.
On or about May 2002, ProTechTeam approached DHL, with a proposal more than a sale of services; a negotiation, a strategic alliance. ProTechTeam manages its alliances always with a win-win perspective. With this philosophy, both, the client and the provider are amply benefited in many aspects. This was the key to awaken DHL’s interest.
ProTechTeam, an international organization that knows very well the market in which it operates, knew the necessities and expectations of the most demanding customers in Guatemala. Based on this, a presentation of services was designed, containing added value, advantages and benefits, and above all, a strict control and compliance of quality standards. All this strongly attracted DHL’s interest. After studying and analyzing the proposal, DHL investigated the references of ProTechTeam’s services. Convinced by the positive response received from all of ProTechTeam’s clients, the members of the managing committee, in charge of security made the decision to change the security provider and try ProTechTeam’ services.

In August 2003, the contract was signed. ProTechTeam took a month to select, investigate, document and train the personnel contracted to service DHL. They also prepared the respective function and procedure manuals, as well as, the equipment necessary to perform the service.
As it was the rule, they proceeded to make a complete study of all the installations, procedures, systems and security infrastructure in relation to, security guards, security of the perimeter, the access, surveillance, information security, procedures, industrial security, and based on this, the study was presented, explaining in clear fashion the situation, its strengths and weaknesses, and making recommendations and suggestions, guided toward increasing the level of security at the mail cites and throughout DHL’s operation.
One month after the contract was signed, the service was installed and jointly, they presented a program of infrastructure improvement and of operation procedures, which would allow, an increase and maintenance of the level of security, prevent losses and reduce risks.
The program was approved almost immediately by DHL. Up-grades were made. The closed circuit television was changed. New alarm systems were installed, access controls were placed in some restricted areas, sentry boxes were installed, new and more secure operating procedures were developed and implemented, especially for the vehicles distributing the packages and mail, fire alarms were installed and safety devices to protect all the information. Since the arrival of ProTechTeam, all the employees are investigated before being employed and at least once a year after they are employed, by way of polygraph tests, verifications, socio-economic studies, etc.
It would seem incredible but in 95% the security problems, losses and risks of DHL were resolved, just by following and taking advantage of the recommendations of a good integral assessment, like the one presented by ProTechTeam.
Today, DHL is one of the companies in Guatemala with the smallest index of incidents, losses and risks. Security changed, from being a problem to being a solution. Presently, it continues to improve the level of losses, the work risks, accidents, reduction on personnel turnover, and in general increased productivity and increased revenues for the company.