Santo Tomás de Castilla National Port Company
The SANTO TOMÁS DE CASTILLA NATIONAL PORT COMPANY, is an entity of the State of Guatemala, enjoys autonomy to operate, is decentralized, has its own legal personality, with capacity to acquire rights and contract obligations. Its headquarters and main offices are located in the Santo Tomás de Castilla Port District, Puerto Barrios Municipality, Izabal Department.
Its mission is to facilitate the logistics of foreign trade in Guatemala and the Region, through maritime-port services, with certified processes and qualified human resources, contributing to the competitiveness of its customers and users.
Its vision is to consolidate its leadership, to position itself as a port with specialized terminals by type of cargo.
For the fulfillment of its mission and vision, SANTO TOMÁS DE CASTILLA NATIONAL PORT COMPANY necessarily had to ally itself with other international companies of recognized prestige, who have demonstrated their professionalism, capacity and experience, in the face of the greatest challenges. In 2006, after completing a rigorous selection and award process, in a bidding event for the PROVISION OF CIVIL SAFETY SERVICES (ROUTES OF CIVIL SAFETY SERVICES), INTEGRAL SERVICIO DE SEGURIDAD INTEGRAL, SA, member of CORPORACIÓN PROTECHTEAM , MONITORING AND CONTROL OF FORESTS) in this institution, starts a commercial relationship with EMPORNAC, whose purpose is to assist in optimizing environmental conditions, to reduce anomalous activities that damage the economic, fiscal and commercial interests of the port and Of the country.
The importance and aims of the SANTO TOMÁS DE CASTILLA NATIONAL PORT COMPANY makes it a very attractive client for any security company, since it would undoubtedly raise its experience and prestige, given the challenge it represents.
In March 2006, through a system of information, procurement and procurement of the state (GUATECOMPRAS), a tender is published for the provision of civilian security services (roads, monitoring and control of forests) in the port of Santo Tomas CASTILLA, before which, Servicio De Seguridad Integral, SA, member of ProTechTeam, does not hesitate to participate, competing with leading security companies in the Guatemalan market.
In accordance with the Law on Contracting of the State of Guatemala, in order to qualify the bids presented, EMPRESA PORTUARIA NACIONAL SANTO TOMÁS DE CASTILLA is a Bidding Board, whose members fill a profile of suitability, accrediting their knowledge and experience in the Technical, financial and legal areas related to the negotiation. Each of the bidders is subjected to a thorough evaluation, to determine the fulfillment of the requirements, and to qualify each offer according to the following criteria: Price, quality of service, experience, capacity, and specialized personnel. SAFETY SERVICE INTEGRAL, S.A., member of PROTECHTEAM CORPORATION, manages to obtain the highest score, being adjudicated.
In this way, it starts a STRATEGIC ALLIANCE between both companies, which has been maintained for more than ten years. The service is based on Plans of Work, Supervision, Contingency and strict control and compliance with quality standards, providing added value, advantages and benefits. Start with 51 Security Guards until you reach 88 items.
The opportunity to provide Security Services at the SANTO TOMÁS DE CASTILLA NATIONAL PORT COMPANY, certified by the United States of America for its operation, required SERVICIO DE SEGURIDAD INTEGRAL, SA, a member of PROTECHTEAM CORPORATION, to certify itself In the BASC CONTROL AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (BUSSINES ALLIANCE FOR SECURE COMMERCE); Thus guaranteeing the faithful fulfillment of processes and procedures of control and security throughout the supply chain.
A very important aspect is that the Security Personnel assigned to that project, have acquired special knowledge and skills, as well as the experience to be able to perform adequately, according to the needs of EMPORNAC. It is properly trained in subjects such as: ROAD SAFETY, ACCIDENT PREVENTION, LABOR RISK, MARITIME AND PORT SAFETY (ISPS), PROTECTION OF SHIPS AND PORT FACILITIES, HAZARDOUS GOODS, and among its executives have PORTFOLIO PROTECTION OFFICIALS FOR PORT INSTALLATIONS OPIP).